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Have you been looking for a way to make your home more energy efficient and environmentally friendly? Trading your traditional HVAC system for a geothermal heating and cooling system is a great way to do this! Once you have a geothermal system installed, you’ll notice a significant drop in your monthly energy bills due to your geothermal heat pump’s high efficiency operation.


We know that this technology is new to many homeowners, and you might have a few questions. Marquis Properties Group has been providing top-quality geothermal systems to PA and MD homeowners for over 15 years, and we’ll use that knowledge and experience to walk you through every step of the geothermal system installation or replacement process!


If you’re ready to get started or just want to learn more about geothermal heating and cooling systems, give us a call today!


How Does a Geothermal System Work?


Energy-conscious homeowners explore options to help them reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. By doing so, they are often able to save on utility costs at the same time. Geothermal systems use the earth’s temperature and the circulation of water to spread heat or cool air rather than relying on air outside the home.


By using the earth’s natural heat, the amount of energy that is required is drastically reduced. Additionally, because geothermal heating and cooling systems tap into the temperatures that occur several feet below the surface, there is less fluctuation with these temperatures than with surface temperatures that change by the season. Geothermal systems pump water through loops in the ground to transfer heat to or from the earth.


Want more information about how a geothermal heating and cooling system can work at your home? Contact us today!


Geothermal Heating & Cooling Versus Traditional Heat Pumps

Geothermal systems heat and cool in a similar manner as using a traditional heating pump. Heat pumps are able to heat the home during the winter and cool it during the summer. They also utilize an antifreeze solution that circulates through underground piping in order to spread the thermal energy. This energy is ultimately connected to an indoor air handler and air ducts that are installed throughout the home in order to provide heating and cooling to your home.


Benefits of Installing a Geothermal Heat Pump in York, PA or Baltimore, MD

The EPA and the U.S. Department of Energy recognize geothermal systems as the most environmentally friendly, energy efficient, and cost-effective way to heat and cool a home. Some benefits of installing a geothermal system for your home include:


Geothermal heat pumps do not emit carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, or other greenhouse gasses that contribute to air pollution.

The EPA estimates geothermal heat pumps can reduce energy consumption up to 44% compared with traditional heat pumps and up to 72% compared to standard electric heating and cooling equipment. Saving energy means saving money!


Because geothermal systems do not burn significant amounts of fuel (gas, oil, propane, coal), they operate at a lower cost and are much cleaner.

The South-Central PA and Northern MD area is rich in limestone—which is an efficient heat storage and transfer material—so it’s even more efficient to use geothermal heating and cooling here than in many other places!

Ready to have a geothermal heating or cooling system installed in your Lexington home? Contact MPG today!


Why Do I Need an Expert to Install My Geothermal System?


Geothermal heating and cooling systems require extensive knowledge to properly size, select, and install for the best combination of comfort and cost. Marquis Properties Group has been installing geothermal systems since 2005 and has many systems operating in the South-Central PA and Northern MD area. We are an authorized dealer of ClimateMaster geothermal systems and therefore have fully trained installers with the highest level of experience. MPG is proud to have a 100% satisfaction rating from our geothermal customers.


Top Geothermal Heating & Cooling Company in our service area


Our experienced sales staff can review your existing system, discuss your comfort needs, and design the best, most efficient system for your home or business. Our installation technicians will install the outside system and make any changes necessary to the inside system. Our long history of installing geothermal systems in the York, PA and Baltimore, MD areas means there won’t be any surprises during installation.


Ready to get in touch? Request a free estimate from our team today!



Absolutely! Geothermal can be installed in several ways depending on your needs. A hybrid system would supplement your existing traditional system if your furnace is still in good condition and you live in a particularly cold area. In this scenario, the geothermal system provides 90% of your home's heating requirements, and the traditional system turns on when the outdoor temperature reaches a certain low temperature. Geothermal systems can work on their own in very cold temperatures, but when paired with a traditional system, this combination can create the perfect solution for the most efficient heating.


Geothermal can also be installed to completely replace your traditional system, which is usually the most efficient solution. In either scenario, the ground loop will need to be installed to make geothermal work for you.



On average you can expect to see a 35% savings in the heating season and up to 70% in the cooling season which helps to realize your return on investment in roughly 7-8 years (with the federal tax credit in place)


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Proudly Serving:

South-Central PA 

Baltimore, Harford, Carroll, & Howard Counties in MD

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